September 2, 2024

Supergood: Preventing Costly API Overage Surprises

Supergood helps prevent costly API overages by monitoring usage and providing alerts, ensuring you stay within your contract limits.

This find was pure serendipity as Alex slid into my (Linkedin) DMs on the heels of me having the EXACT problem he's solving.  

One of the toughest things to do when you're onboarding a new tool is answering the inevitable question from the other side: "What kind of volume are you expecting?" When I'm building 0-1, it would take a 🔮 to divine an answer with any degree of accuracy. So I do the default (lowest tier with promise to re-negotiate when we grow). Those lowest tiers come with some gnarly overages for which one would expect some heads up on when they come into effect. In my case there were no 🚨 from the vendor.

Supergood's solution would have solved that for me. By implementing their few lines of code into your system, Supergood is able to identify the APIs you have running, the usage you've incurred till date, the quality of the pipelines. In their dashboard you can even add in your contract details to ensure usage doesn't incur overages.

Alex hits the nail on the head (link) for why this is important to have implemented, and why it is pretty silly that you don't.

Supergood is in beta. Grab your favorite developer and join